VHM Christian School
Virgil Hauselt Memorial
Christian School
All students are supervised until 3:30 pm (12:30 pm on Fridays and minimum days) on the school playground. At 3:30 pm, students who have not been picked up will be signed in to Extended Care in the Pavilion or Gym (Extended Care is in the gym for rainy/cold weather).
Students who routinely use the Extended Care program may proceed directly to the Pavilion or Gym for check in. Extended care rate is a $10.00 flat fee. For parents who are detained and unable to pick up their child by 3:30 pm, please call the school by 3:00 pm to make arrangements for your child's supervision.
Extended Care supervision ends at 6:00 pm, Monday thru Thursday, and 6 pm on Fridays. For students not picked up by closing, the fee will be $10.00 for each 15 minutes or portion thereof.
Bills are due at the end of each month and will be considered delinquent by the 15th of the following month. If an Extended Care account becomes 30 days past due, a notice will be sent for immediate payment. If an account becomes 60 days past due, and an alternative payment plan has not been made, the student(s) will not be permitted to stay for the Extended Care program.
All students in Extended Care will be expected to obey school rules and the rules of the Extended Care supervisor. All parents or guardians will be required to sign their child(ren) out from Extended Care on a daily basis.
*Please note: If a parent has a meeting at VHM with the Principal, a Teacher, or PTO etc... your child must either stay with you or they must be checked into Extended Care for proper supervison.